Saturday, July 01, 2006

Sorry, I don't have any pictures today! I forgot my camera back at the house. So, some of you are wondering what exactly my group is doing in Rwanda. The organization I'm with (Orien Aid) basically organizes this whole trip for anyone who's interested. It's a cultural exchange program. We travel to villages around the country, spend a few nights with the people and in this way we get a sense of how life is for the Rwandese. Orien Aid is run by students and is really a small organization. It has a 5 year plan of having these summer trips, where it asseses the needs of the country, gathering information so it can then decide on how to better assist Rwanda. It's really a learning experience, and it's especially helpful for those of us in the group who want to pursue a career in humanitarian work. And since Orien Aid was started by Baha'i youth, most people who know about it are Baha'is and so all the volunteers happen to be Baha'is. Our Rwandese contacts are a big help for us since they know what the different communities need. They help us find places to stay in the villages and with logistics in general.

We spent the last couple of nights at the Parsah's. It's been a short holiday for us from our chaotic schedule. They have some amazing stories from their different experiences in Rwanda.

Anyway, I have to go in a few minutes. Two days ago, we went to a genocide memorial site an hour away from Kigali. It was really surreal. It was basically a Church where 5000 people were slaughtered. As a trap they were told that they would be safe at the church and the rebels came with grenades, guns, and machetes and all hell broke lose. Anyway, some of the skeletons are arranged on shelves and others are still left acattered on the floor. We said a few prayers with a man who's whole family was killed in that church. Another man with us had lost all his children as well. Anyway, sorry to end on such a sad note. It's just reality....


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